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Mera Peak Climbing, 6476m

Mera Peak climbing in Nepal is an exciting & challenging adventure which offers stunning views of the Himalayas and a unique experience of mountaineering in the high altitude of the world's highest mountain range. Mera Peak is a famous mountain peak for climbing located in the Solu Khumbu region of Nepal. It is the highest trekking peak in Nepal & stands at an altitude of 6,476 meters. Mera Peak climbing requires technical skills & experience in mountaineering, and it is recommended for experienced climbers.

The Best climbing season for Mera Peak is from March to May & from September to November when the weather is relatively clear & stable. The climbing route usually starts from 30 minutes scenic flight to Lukla airport and follows the trail to the Hinku Valley, where climbers establish base camp & acclimatizion before heading to the high camp. The climb usually takes around 18 days, including trekking, acclimatization, and summit attempt. It is essential to prepare well in advance, both physically and mentally as well, for the challenge of climbing a peak of this altitude.

Trip Highlights

  • Mera Peak climbing is a challenging and rewarding experience that combines adventure, culture, and stunning natural beauty.
  • Wildlife Watching: The Mera Peak climbing route is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including musk deer, Himalayan tahr, and snow leopards. You can also spot a variety of bird species, including snow pigeons, Himalayan monals and vultures.
  • Cultural Experience: The Mera Peak climbing route takes you through the heart of the Sherpa culture. You'll pass through several Sherpa villages, where you can interact with the friendly locals people, taste the traditional food and learn about their unique customs & traditions.
  • Summiting Mera Peak: The main highlight of this trip is, of course, summiting Mera Peak. The climb involves steep ascents, icy crevasses & a challenging final push to the summit. But once you reach the top, the sense of achievement & the panoramic views make it all worth it.
  • Spectacular Views: The Mera Peak climbing route offers breathtaking views of some of the world's highest peaks, including Mount Everest, Mount Lhotse, Mount Makalu, and Mount Kanchenjunga. The scenery along the trek to the base camp is equally stunning, with verdant forests, sparkling rivers, and traditional Sherpa villages.

During your arrival at the Kathmandu airport, our company representative will greet you and transfer to pre-booked hotel. If your arrival time in the morning you will have city sightseeing. Overnight at hotel in Kathmandu with bed and breakfast basis.